Prepare Hurricane Season Video
Prepare Hurricane Season video now and don't wait until one is actually happening. As the past shows us soon one hits our way stores are empty, gas stations are out of gas, supplies are gone. You could say people get crazy at the last minute. Here are a few tips on how to Prepare Hurricane Season in this video. It is a little long but stay with me.
Hope you enjoyed Prepare Hurricane Season Video and take it to heart and get prepared now and don't wait until the last minute. Some items you can stack up today:
Batteries and Flashlights
drinking water 3 gallons per day per person for 3 days
canned foods
paper plates and plastic silverware
plastic cups
a rope
sunscreen and bug spray
paper towels and toilet paper
keep your car filled with gasoline at all times
ziplock bags
store your private papers in ziplock bags (insurance policy, birth certificate, passport, social security card etc.)
May 15, 2018